Athletic Boosters
Dear SRV Community,
We are excited to announce that SRV now has streaming cameras for parents, family and friends to enjoy and watch our athletes compete. Athletic Boosters has purchased additional cameras for our campus venues. Cameras are installed at the Stadium Field and Pool. Softball and Large Gym will be installed in the next few weeks. Baseball has an existing closed network camera system.
All Athletic Booster Members will have access to these streaming cameras and Booster families will be emailed their single user access pass code soon. These passes will be good for one full year!
In addition, you will be able to stream away games at the several schools who have the NFHS system!
It is not too late to become a booster and support athletics and your student’s team. For your tax deductible donation, you will receive a camera access code for a full year as well as funds directly to your student’s team and athletics.
If you just want access to the camera and not become an SRV Athletic Booster you can purchase single user passes at the NFHS network site.
The cameras will also be able to feature local businesses who would like advertise and support our teams and their business. Businesses can connect with boosters directly if interested contact Gina Nicholson at
We look forward to watching our athletes compete.
Go Wolves!
Chris DeClercq Rich Hooper
Athletic Director Athletic Boosters President

Athlete of the Month Events for 2023-2024
Fall Sports December 11th
Winter Sports March 11th
Spring Sports May 13th
Attention Sports Teams!!
If you can get over 50% of player parents signed up for Athletic Boosters, your student’s spring team will get $75/player from Athletic Boosters. If under 50%, the team gets $50/player. You do the math. Every dollar counts to support your team.
Booster Card Pick-up Contact VP/Membership Director, Patti Steele
ATHLETE CLEARANCE 2023-2024![]()
Go to Athletic Clearance site to clear your student.
You can now register/clear your student for sports in different seasons all at the same time for the 2022/2023 school year.
Our CIF/NCS/EBAL sport offerings include:
Fall: Cross Country (Boys & Girls), Football, Flag Football, Water Polo (Boys & Girls), Volleyball (Girls), Traditional Competitive Cheer
Spring: Basketball (Boys & Girls), Soccer (Boys & Girls), Wrestling (Boys & Girls) Badminton, Baseball, Softball, Golf (Boys & Girls), Lacrosse (Boys & Girls), Swimming (Boys & Girls), Tennis (Boys & Girls), Track and Field (Boys & Girls), Competitive Sport Cheer (Stunt)
We currently offer 24 programs with a coaching staff of over 100 coaches. SRV is a member of the EBAL (East Bay Athletic League) and NCS (North Coast Section)
Various Club sports are also offered at SRVHS
We are excited about each school year and all that it promises to bring for SRV Athletics. We know that our parents and community at large share in our excitement and it is our hope that you will support our athletic teams with enthusiasm and Wolf Spirit/Pride!