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To see a list of student workshops and upcoming college visits (most visits are held in fall but there are schools who visit in spring) students should log in to Naviance.  
Go to the College Planning and Presentation tab for a variety of College Resources and Get to know Naviance this year.  You can search colleges, view videos, see a list of all colleges coming to visit SRVHS, take assessments to help define interests, and begin build your college list. You will refine this list later but it is a great place to start keeping track of schools that might interest you. 
Dual Enrollment: LPC Welding, DVC Construction--sophomore & junior applicants only

Information session March 13, Due March 22
Dual Enrollment: LPC Welding, DVC Construction--sophomore & junior applicants only

A wide variety of sophomores and juniors interested in a trade are encouraged to apply. Juniors and seniors will have the opportunity to earn various vertificates depending on when they begin (in eleventh or twelth) and how long they decide to stay in the program.
  • Las Positas College Welding Certificate Program
  • Diablo Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Certificate in Construction
Dual enrollment application materials can be found HERE on March 14. It is due at 4 p.m. March 22. 
Dual Enrollment information night will be held virtually at 5 p.m. March 13. LINK


Please see the main home page for the College and Career Center for event information.  
SRVHS VISITS:  There are many college representatives who visit us in the C&CC fall. Students, if you are interested in coming to speak to an admissions representative or want to sit in on their presentation, you need to sign up on Naviance.  We typically have 125 or more colleges visit in the fall.  
GRADES:  Keep up your grades---get help when you need it. After school tutoring is available in the library. See teachers for more details. 
CAMPUS VISITS:  Spend some time this spring and summer visiting college campuses.   Local schools work just fine to give you an idea of what large, medium, and small campuses feel like. Take a tour of a private college so you can compare it to the public college atmosphere and environment. 


Explore Naviance! This is a database containing college information for all colleges and universities. You will also find comparative data for former SRVHS students in addition to enrichment and scholarship data and career assessment/interest tools!