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If you are planning on attending DVC or another community college in California you will not need to fill out a college application until the spring of your senior year. Many community colleges, including DVC and Las Positas offer early admissions and class registration opportunities for graduating seniors who complete some required steps. These steps will be outlined on their websites beginning in mid to late January. Graduating seniors may need to take an English and Math assessment test in the spring. 

DVC typically offers the assessment tests on their Pleasant Hill or San Ramon campuses in spring. Check with the college website for details or stop by the College Career Center to pick up a registration packet which includes all of the necessary information. Once a graduating senior has taken the necessary assessment tests, they will sign up for a class called Counseling 095. This course needs to be completed at the final application step in order for graduating seniors to obtain a course registration date. Visit the DVC website for details.

Las Positas has a similar early admission program, but has a more strict completion deadline in order to qualify for early enrollment. Check their website in January of your senior year to learn their timeline and steps. Visit the Las Positas website for details. 

To apply to ANY California Community College, visit the CCCApply website to start your application.

Both DVC and Las Positas visit the SRVHS College and Career Center in Jan/Feb and provide detailed information regarding their respective application processes. These visits will be posted on Naviance and in the eBulletin.
The text: DVC Diablo Valley College

How to research and register for classes at DVC