CSF - California Scholarship Foundation
CSF Spring 2025 Application Due January 22nd at 11:59pm
Presidents: Bela Patel and Arundhadi Senthil
Email: srv.csf@gmail.com
Bela Patel: 207212@students.srvusd.net
Meeting dates:
*Tuesdays, during lunch in the Main gym
- October 8, 2024
- November 12, 2024
- December 10, 2024
- January 14, 2025
- February 11, 2025
- March 11, 2025
- April 15, 2025
What is CSF?
CSF (California Scholarship Federation) is a nationally recognized academic club that emphasizes community service. CSF provides students with a wide variety of volunteer activities in which they can participate.
How do I get into CSF?
Contrary to popular belief, a 3.5 GPA does not guarantee eligibility. Membership into CSF requires a certain number of points that are determined by the courses a student takes and the grades earned in the previous semester.
Students are responsible for tallying their points based on the following guidelines:
A - 3 CSF points
B - 1 CSF point
C- 0 CSF points
One additional CSF point shall be granted for a grade of A or B in an AP, or Honors course, up to a maximum of two such points per semester.
PASS - 0 CSF points
D or F in any course shall disqualify the student from membership for the semester.
No CSF points shall be given for physical education courses, TA courses,
remediated courses, or Pass/Fail.
A student must earn a minimum of ten CSF points. Of these ten points, seven points must be earned in courses from LISTS I and II, while the remaining three points may be earned in courses from any LISTS (I, II, or III). Of the seven points required from LIST I and II courses, at least four points must be earned in LIST I courses alone. See application link above for specific SRVHS approved course lists or CSF by-laws posted above. Only 5 courses may be used to earn the required 10 point total.
For FRESHMEN: As eligibility is based on the previous semester’s grades, freshmen are not eligible to apply until the spring, unless the student was in CJSF for three semesters in middle school. You will be granted Associate Membership (Students must provide a copy of the CJSF membership certificate or diploma that has the CJSF seal for consideration.).
Classes qualifying for membership are determined by the state organization, not by San Ramon Valley High School. These classes can be viewed by clicking on the CSFBylaws.pdf file at the bottom of this page or any of the links in the text below.
What are the different types of membership in CSF (see Article III of the bylaws for more details)?
Associate Membership: According to CSF bylaws, students who meet the membership requirements and apply their freshman year or the first semester of their sophomore year are granted Associate Membership. This type of membership counts as being an active member in the club, but does not count towards Lifetime Membership (also known as “Sealbearer" membership).
Semester Membership: Semester members are students in their second semester of their sophomore year, both semesters of junior year, and both semesters of senior year who have met the eligibility standards during the preceding semester.
Lifetime Membership: Is awarded to any student who has obtained Semester Membership for at least four of the six semesters between their sophomore and senior year. One semester must be from their senior year. Please see Article V Section I of the bylaws for more information.
What are the fees for CSF?
Club fees are $8 per semester. These fees are for club expenses. A portion of these dues goes towards the cords and pins that seniors receive at graduation, in addition to scholarship money awarded at the end of the year. Club dues can be paid to the CSF Web store. Dues are not required for membership, and no student will be turned away due to lack of funds.
When do I apply for CSF?
Applications for the fall semester will be held in September, and the spring applications will be held in January, after the first semester report cards are released. Notification of application openings will be through Wolf Pack Weekly. Applications are available online and will be submitted via a Google Doc Link. Late applications cannot be accepted.
When and where are the meetings?
CSF meetings for the school year will be held monthly at 12:25pm, during lunch in the Aux Gym.
Dates are as listed above.
What do I do in CSF?
Members of CSF are required to attend monthly meetings. In addition, active membership requires that students participate in at least two CSF-sponsored events each semester.
As an active member of CSF, you must complete one active point and one passive point. An active point is any in-person volunteer activity for at least one hour (the volunteer activity will not be CSF-affiliated, however, we will send out an email and post to social regarding any volunteer opportunities we're made aware of). A passive point is a $10 donation to an organization of your choosing.
Volunteer hours are filled out via Google Form online. Points will be processed and posted online. Please see the
CSF runs per semester, therefore you must repeat the process by reapplying for CSF each semester you wish to participate.
What is the advantage of being in CSF?
Students who are active in CSF for four or more semesters during their high school career will receive a cord to wear at graduation, and “active” members are eligible to apply for the CSF scholarship during their senior year. Students who are members for the required four semesters can also attain a CSF “lifetime” membership. This lifetime membership will be shown on their diplomas with a seal.
Where can I get more information?
Students who have any questions about CSF may ask the officers during the meetings. The advisor for the club is Don Busboom, dbusboom@srvusd.net
Club dues can be paid at the webstore: