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San Ramon Valley Class of 1975 (posted 2.21.25)
Date: September 27, 2025
Place: Veterans Hall, Danville Ca- 400 Hartz Ave
Time: 5:30pm-10:pm
Cost: $100 if purchased before May 2
          $135 after May 3. Deadline Sept 20th
What does it include:
                      • Buffet dinner (incl Vegetarian), Wine, Beer or non-alcoholic.
                        (Please note on your response what you prefer to drink)
                      • DJ- Dancing
                      • Video montage
                      • Photo Op Station
                      • Lots of Memories
Purchase tickets below
~ Zelle - (Please note Class 75 Reunion)
~ Mail Checks to Class of 1975 ~7588 E. Via Dona Road. Scottsdale, Arizona 85266
Questions: Email
Veteran’s hall only holds 160 people. First come for class of 75- will keep updated
for class 74 and class 76
Apologies but No refunds
Class of 1989 35th Class Reunion (updated 8.16.24)
The SRVHS class of 1989 will be returning to celebrate Homecoming Week 2024!  Events listed below (with the exception of the Reunion on Sep 14th) are open to the general public. Students/Faculty/ Alumni and families are highly encouraged to support the local small business below
          • 9/8: (5 pm) Happy Hour- Meenar’s 349 Hartz Avenue, Danville CA. Live Music by Class of ’89 reunion band (21+ only)
          • 9/9: (5 pm) Happy Hour and Dinner: Luna Loca: 500 Sycamore Valley Road, Danville, CA. Live Music by Class of ’89 reunion band
          • 9/10: (5 pm) Happy Hour and Dinner: E.J. Phair’s Brewery: 225B Alamo Plaza, Alamo CA. Live Music by Class of ’89 reunion band
          • 9/11: (8pm) Golden Skate Night (Adults Only 18+) 2701 Hopper Drive, San Ramon CA
          • 9/12: (5 pm, discount bowling at 9 pm): Danville Bowl Night: 200 Boone Ct, Danville, CA 94526. Live Music by Class of ’89 reunion band
          • 9/13: (2 pm) SRVHS Homecoming Parade through downtown Danville with Class of 1989 Reunion band playing at Hazy BBQ (2-8 pm): 200 Hartz Ave, Danville, CA 94526
          • 9/13: (evening) Homecoming Football game with us in our Alumni Section, SRVHS
          • 9/14 (9-11 am) Veteran’s coffee at Vet’s Center: 400 Hartz Ave, Danville, CA 94526
          • 9/14 (6-11pm) Class of 1989 35th Reunion. Primo’s 298 Hartz Ave, Danville, CA 94526. Live Music by Class of ’89 reunion band
          • 9/15 (2-9 pm) Family skating at Golden Skate Night Hopper Drive, San Ramon CA
The SRVHS Class of 1989 35th Reunion will be at Primo's Pizza and Pasta (298 Hartz Ave Danville Ca , visit Primo's at ) on Sep 14th 2024 at 6PM. Please RSVP for the event here:
Your Co-Chairs are below:
Ross “rusty” Orvik
Lisa Grimm-Willet
Attention: SRVHS Classmates from the mid-80's!!! (posted 3.26.24)
Our class of '84 is planning a reunion on Friday, May 10, from 6-10 p.m. at the Officer's Club in San Francisco.  Many of our friends from that era have reached out asking if they can attend, and with this in mind, the answer is "YES!"  We are the class of '84, and celebrating 40 years since that milestone...and would love for those who were at SRVHS during that time to join us!  Just click on the link below to secure your spot and get your tickets.  
Please join us for the
San Ramon Valley High School
Class of 1984
40-year Reunion

Friday, May 10, 2024
6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

The Officer’s Club at The Presidio
50 Moraga Ave.San Francisco, CA 94129
We look forward to reconnecting! It’s been 40 years since we walked the halls, wings and quad at
SRVHS, and it’s time to reminisce, rekindle friendships, give some heartfelt hugs, and enjoy a lovely
evening together.
Let us know if you are coming!

$150 per person
Your contribution to this terrific event covers the amazing venue, food galore (hors d’oeuvres, pasta,
carving station), music and more. There will be a well-stocked no-host bar. Cocktail attire sounds fun,
but it’s most important to come any way you feel comfortable. Partners are welcome, and our goal is to
ensure that all feel included and have a great time! There is plenty of free parking at the venue.
Get the word out!
Please share this invitation with classmates! For additional information regarding rsvp’s and tickets,
please email one of the following classmates:
Fred Toney –
Carrie McDonald Schutz –
Christine Scott Pollak –
Marisa Ramans Meyer –
Past News:
The San Ramon Valley High School Classes of '68 & '69 (posted 3.20.23)
Are gathering for a Class REUNION
Saturday, September 23, 2023
For our combined Reunion:
Date: Saturday, September 23rd, 2023
Where: Hap McGee Park, Danville, CA
Time: 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
What: Light picnic food and beverages will be offered
Cost: No Charge
Send us an email confirmation of your interest, along with the number of persons in your party Indicate if you are with the Class of ’68 or ’69 in the message.
If you have questions please contact: Class of ‘68 -- Mike Miles: OR: Class of ‘69 -- Stephanie Brown-Myers:
Please share this notice with any classmates you know that have not heard from us Hope to see you there!!
Class of 1972 Reunion - October 1, 2022 (Reunion flyer)
Homecoming week  September 20th - 24th, 2021
****Friday  September 24, 2021  ****
School Rally begins at 1:15 pm in Gym
Homecoming parade 2:15 pm Railroad/Hartz Ave.
Football game  -   JV -4:30pm,  V -7:00pm
Bleachers are set up at the end zone for all class reunions
Reunion coordinators, want to attend the Rally, be in the parade and attend the Football at the end zone?
Contact Janet Willford -